Naaptol server allegedly hacked, sending messages that orders are delivered to those who did not order anything

Due to government slavery, financial fraud the domain investor has very less money , so she cannot afford to order things which are not essential.
Yet on April 23, 2022, she got a message from Naaptol that a order was delivered.
The domain investor did not place any order for the last 60 days and did not make any payment since she does not have much money. It appears that someone is misusing her name to place orders on Naaptol,mainly to frame her
Yet she got the message that the order was delivered. The only reason is that Naaptol server allegedly hacked, sending messages that orders are delivered to those who did not order anything

It appears that raw employee ruchika kinge got the paybak item ordered cancelled

Though she and her associates have not found any proof for 12 years, there is no limit to the extreme greed of the haryana mba hr ruchika kinge in stealing the hard earned money, resume of a hardworking single woman engineer. Though the single woman has very less money, ruthless ruchika and the frauds hiding behind her are always making fake allegations of black money.It appears that ordering anything from naptol, is a major mistake, since the scammer ruchika is now making fake allegations of black money based on the orders placed during the covid pandemic a year ago, when most shops were closed.
Payback claims that the the item ordered is lost,and they will redeem the points, yet the points are not refunded till date


Online stores continue to advertise their requirement for delivery boys

With casinos closed in goa, the local newspapers have lost their major advertisers. There are also very few classified advertisements in the newspaper. Most of the job advertisements are for delivery boys, since many of the online stores are getting many orders.
The salary offered is also quite decent by goa standards, Rs 15000 – Rs 20000



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Internet banking blocked for experienced webmasters in india, so that relatives and friends of top officials can get government salaries with fake resumes

Internet banking blocked for experienced webmasters in india in resume theft fraud
Cybercrime levels in india are increasing because the top indian tech, internet companies and officials are pathological liars and frauds. The times of india and other newspapers are always carrying the news of people losing large amounts of money from their bank account in various cybercrimes .
Money is lost from the bank account only if internet banking is enabled, and it appears that government agencies are only enabling internet banking for those who do not know much about the internet, so that cybercriminals can easily steal money.
This exposes top level fraud in the indian internet sector, experienced webmasters have their internet banking systematically blocked to criminally defame them, steal their resume, so that the lazy greedy fraud friends and relatives of top officials like greedy goan fraud housewife robber riddhi nayak caro, goan bhandari sunaina chodan, haryana scammer mba hr ruchika kinge, can steal their resume, and get monthly government salaries with the stolen resumes, without doing any work, without investing any money online

Checking the Gpay account of maidservants will confirm they make more money than domain investors, though they are working at home, for fewer hours

Maidservants are often making more than Rs 40,000 a month, yet they are not falsely labelled a security threat, though they do not have a office, work at home while indian paypal account holders are hounded mercilessly, make very less money

One of the greatest extortion rackets in india is how some paypal account holders working from home, are falsely labelled a security threat for not having an office, to deny them their fundamental rights, get government salaries for relatives and friends of top officials like nayanshree, robber riddhi nayak caro, siddhi mandrekar without doing any work. The government agencies are targetting indian paypal account holders, domain investors making a very small amount of money, while all other citizens including maidservants make plenty of money without facing any kind of harassment
For example maidservants who are cooking are making Rs 4000-5000 a month per house, and finish the work in less than one hour
For cleaning utensils, sweeping, mopping the floor they charge Rs 1000- Rs 1500 each
So the income per home is Rs 6000 to Rs 8000
Some of the servants are working in 6-7 homes, so their total income is Rs 40000 to Rs 50000
Other than transport expenses, the maidservant has no other expenses, the family hiring them purchases all the ingredients, utensils, cleaning supplies. Yet they are not falsely labelled a security threat for not having an office, only indian paypal account holders are criminally defamed, denied their fundamental rights without a legally valid reason, subjected to government slavery though they make far less than the maidservant, and have to spend on computers,internet expenses.

Logically there is no reason why the relatives and friends of top officials like nayanshree, robber riddhi nayak caro, siddhi mandrekar, stock broker amita patel, goan bhandari scammer sunaina chodan, indore robber deepika/veena, haryana scammer ruchika kinge should get credit, government salaries for the work done, money invested by a hardworking single woman these government employees hate, criminally defame. Yet the extremely dishonest indian tech and internet companies are beating ramesh swain in cheating, exploiting, robbing hardworking older single women, due to which the domain investor is making less money than the maidservant despite working longer hours, being better educated and more skilled

The maidservants are using smartphones, Gpay without any problem, because no one hacks their smartphones, while the smartphones of domain investors are hacked repeatedly, resulting in waste of money,so the domain investors are using basic phones.
Checking the GPay account will confirm that maidservants are making more than the real domain investors due to the great fraud of indian tech and internet companies

ExpressCrypto closed

ExpressCrypto Maintenance
Reason: Hardware Failure
Dear Members,

As everyone knows, ExpressCrypto has been offline since 2021-12-24 09:41:17.
Our database server currently cannot recognize the primary and backup disk. The entire ExpressCrypto technical team working on the system recovery.
– 2021-12-28: Transfer hard disks to special recovery company.
– 2021-12-29: Special recovery company working on the restoration of both disks.
– 2022-01-04: Due to the holidays, there is no update from the company.
– 2022-01-19: We have received the final response from the recovery company.

“It is with regret we inform you that after the diagnostics performed by our engineers we have found the damage to be too severe, deeming this case unrecoverable.
– SSD doesn’t detect because of a failed controller chip
– Controller model: SM2258H
– There is no support for this controller model in the data recovery industry”

Due to this situation we will process to the liquidation of balances, fill out the form with the required informations.

Last date for filling the form is: 30-01-2022

– 2022-01-24: We are starting the liquidation process, please check your e-mail (you will be notified for payment or in case we need more information).
– 2022-01-31: No more requests will be taken into consideration.
– 2022-02-07: Status of the liquidation process:
* Requests Received: 401363
* Requests Processed: 84122
* Requests refused: 2062
—The ExpressCrypto Team

Money from credit card fraud used for online shopping in Gurgaon

Times of india had a report of V. Narayan on increasing credit card fraud, in Mumbai, with the fraudsters getting away with their crime, and specifically on the case of Sameer Shetty, who lost more than Rs 10 lakh due to alleged credit card fraud
Though it was reported as credit card fraud in the media, it appears that it is most probably netbanking or debit card fraud since it is usually not possible to make a payment of Rs 49500 repeated at most websites
This also exposes why the credit card fraud cases are not solved, most people especially housewives do not have much experience in actually using credit cards yet are considered experts by government agencies to pay them monthly salaries, give them great powers , The government agencies are falsely claiming that housewives only cooking, cleaning for their crooked husbands, with no credit card of their own, own the domains including this one, and credit card of private citizens who are then criminally defamed in the worst manner, their correspondence robbed.
The report also said that the money stolen was used for online shopping in Gurgaon,which indicates that money was transferred to the bank account of the cybercriminal. Gurgaon has emerged as cybercrime hub in India , with government employee mba hr ruchika kinge openly involved in cybercrime on the domain investor like many others, to make fake claims of domain, credit card, bank account ownership and getting a monthly government salary.
Cybercrime is very lucrative, mba ruchika kinge has plenty of money, leads a very lavish lifestyle, and is wearing a new expensive outfit, in every social media post.

Instamojo online payment blocked again

In all other industry sectors, experienced persons make more money compared to freshers , only in the indian tech and internet sector, experienced online business owners are subjected to criminal defamation, financial fraud, government slavery, with indian tech and internet companies falsely claiming that goan call girls, scammer school dropouts, cheater, robber housewives and other frauds, who do no computer work at all, do not invest money in domains are online experts, domain investors to pay them a monthly government salary at the expense of the real domain investor, who is criminally defamed in the worst manner.
When the real domain investor is protesting against the financial fraud, she is falsely labelled a security threat, her mental health questioned
Due to government slavery, financial fraud in the indian internet sector since 2010, now the domain investor finds that most of the indian payment processors are blocking her online payment, to the webhosting companies, credit card bill payment.
Since January, Instamojo has been blocking all the payment, the page for entering the OTP is not displayed because the masterminds of the government slavery are very powerful. This shows that an online career is very risky since top companies are ruthless frauds, making fake claims about scammer students, goan call girls, school dropouts and other frauds who do not invest money in domains, have no online income, to get them government salaries, while criminally defaming the real domain investor in the worst manner.

Naaptol customer care, not allowing users to redeem reward points

One of the main problems caused by the massive domain ownership,FINANCIAL FRAUD in the indian internet sector, with the liar indian tech, internet companies, government agencies falsely claiming that this and other domains, paypal account belong to various lazy greedy fraud goan call girls, cheater robber housewives in multiple states, haryana scammer mba hr ruchika kinge, stock broker amita patel, kolhapur/panaji sindhi school dropout housewife naina premchandani who looks like actress sneha wagh, her sons scammer students, nikhil, karan and other frauds, who have never paid any money for the domains including this one, which can be legally proved is the financial losses
One of the reasons why the domain investor is protesting against the financial fraud, wasting her time and money, is because almost everyone including government agencies are believing in the financial fraud, and she is losing money.
In goa the sindhi scammer family of kolhapur/panaji sindhi school dropout housewife naina premchandani who looks like actress sneha wagh, her sons scammer students, nikhil, karan supported by the top indian tech and internet companies were not associated with her in any way, they criminally defamed, harassed her in the worst manner, and she does not even have their phone numbers . Yet the government agencies are blindly believing in all their lies, causing great losses.
For example one user was trying to redeem her Naaptol reward points of 5095, after she got an sms message, and she was unable to do so, the female customer care said that the points would never expire.
The user wasted a lot of time, trying to redeem her reward points on 5th and 6th February, 2022, the phone calls were terminated, or the customer care was extremely evasive, or misguided the user telling her that the points would not expire
On 7th the customer care said that the 5095 points were not there in her account, another of the long list of losses, caused by the financial, online fraud, fake black money allegations extortion, impersonation racket in the indian internet sector.

Naaptol online payment declined due to massive domain ownership,FINANCIAL FRAUD in the indian internet sector

Though the domain investor alone is paying for domain renewals since 2002, due to massive domain ownership,FINANCIAL FRAUD in the indian internet sector, with the liar indian tech, internet companies, government agencies falsely claiming that this and other domains, paypal account belong to various lazy greedy fraud goan call girls, cheater robber housewives in multiple states, haryana scammer mba hr ruchika kinge, stock broker amita patel, kolhapur/panaji sindhi school dropout housewife naina premchandani who looks like actress sneha wagh, her sons scammer students, nikhil, karan and other frauds, who have never paid any money for the domains including this one, which can be legally proved.
One of the reasons why the domain investor is protesting against the financial fraud, wasting her time and money, is because almost everyone including government agencies are believing in the financial fraud, and the online payments are getting blocked.
The domain investor was trying to redeem her Naaptol reward points, so she ordered something and found that the online payment was declined. She got a message from the credit card provider that the payment was declined due to security reasons
when no one else is paying for the domains, why are government agencies making fake claims, criminally defaming her and blocking the online payment for the domain investor for multiple websites.