It can be legally proved that google,tata sponsored lazy greedy fraud raw/cbi employees like greedy gujju stock broker amita patel, goan bhandari sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, robber riddhi nayak caro, sindhi scammer naina premchandani are not investing money in domains, do not have online income,yet in major case of FAKE NEWS, government slavery they are being marketed as domain investors by ntro,raw,cbi, indian tech and internet companies led by google,tata to countries,companies and people worldwide while the real domain investor is criminally defamed in the worst manner.
While there were problems earlier like amazon account access blocking, now the problem has become very severe in panaji, goa,since repeating lies like a parrot for 11 years, creates the illusion of truth.
The domain investor is not able to use her vodafone idea connection for more than 10 days
Additionally the Airtel connection is very slow in panaji,goa at 10 kb/s after 9 am because internet, ISPs companies are believing the lies of raw/cbi which falsely claim that their lazy greedy fraud employees who do not spend any money on domains, own the domains of a private citizen who they HATE including this one
It is taking more than 7 minutes in panaji, goa to open an invoice with almost no graphics, during the day, so online shopping is almost impossible for the last 10-15 days. This has forced the domain investor to purchase items using teleshopping, since no internet connectivity is required for viewing the deals available on the teleshopping channels, and they offer home delivery
This has forced the domain investor, to waste her time and money exposing the FAKE NEWS RACKET of the goa, indian government, internet, tech companies led by google,tata since 2010 which is criminally defaming her.