One of the more difficult issues which college and university students face is in locating a place to live. While many colleges and universities have some on campus and other school approved housing for students, and some even require certain students to live in on campus dormitories for other students, locating suitable and affordable housing can be a challenge. A company by the name of “” is attacking this problem. There are some landlords, property owners, and property managers have prohibitions against renting to students for a variety of reasons some of which stem from issues related to behavior and abuse of the property, which can limit the available housing alternatives for students.
A solution for this problem has been created and founded by former students who have faced the challenges of finding off campus housing. This group has instituted a program called to assist in the hunt for housing. They have developed a program specifically for matching students to students to housing choices based on the criteria which are specified by the student. The student looking for housing specifies their preferences based on criteria such as distance from campus, do they want to live alone of share space with others, do they have a pet, and of course a range of pricing which the student can afford. Through compiling all these factors and matching them with potential properties and roommates. A service that carries this concept one step further is called which is a service dedicated to matching students that are moving to Edinburgh, England to study at the university. This service offers a private bedroom in a flat that shares the common kitchen and living room areas with other renters. The service offers a room at a stated rental rate that includes all the household expenses such as utilities, free clothes washing and drying facilities, bedding and communal cleaning. You simply rent the room and do not have to worry about setting up utility and internet accounts as these are included in the room rent.